Functional Programming

A Heap

A New Heap

A heap is a tree structure where the largest element is in the root of the tree and where the left and right branch are heaps. Define a data structure that is suitable to represent a heap and implement a function new/0 that returns a heap. Assume that we only should handle integers.

@spec new() :: heap()


Implement the function add/2 that adds an integer to a heap.

@spec add(heap(), integer()) :: heap()

To keep the heap balanced you should switch the left and right branches that is, when you add an element to a branch you add it to the right branch but make the result the left branch of the heap.


Implement the function pop/1 that removes the highest element in an heap and returns either :fail, if the heap is empty or {:ok, integer(), heap()}

@spec pop(heap()) :fail | {:ok, integer(), heap()}


Implement the function swap/2 that takes a heap and a number and returns {:ok, integer(), heap()} where the number is the highest number and the heap the remaining heap. The function should have the same meaning as first add/2 a number to a heap and then pop/1 the highest but we should do this in one function, not by calling the two functions.

@spec swap(heap(), integer()) {:ok, integer(), heap()}

A General Heap

The heap we now have will have the largest element in the root and be limited to integers (or what is comparable with <). Implement a function add/3 that takes a heap, an element and a function that can be used to compare two elements. The function add/3 should as before add an element to a heap but now used the provided function when doing the comparison.

@type cmp() :: (any(), any() > bool())
@spec add(heap(), any(), cmp()) :: heap()

Specify a type cheap() that holds a function for comparison and a heap. Implement a function new/1 that takes a function and returns a structure of the type cheap().

@spec new(cmp()) :: cheap()

Implement a function add/2 that takes a structure of type cheap(), that calls add/3 with the correct arguments and returns a structure of the same form.

@spec add(cheap(), any()) :: cheap()

Mirror a Tree

If we have the below definition of a function that mirrors a tree, what is the asymptotic time complexity of the function?

def mirror(nil) do nil end

def mirror({:node, left, right}) do
  {:node, mirror(right), mirror(left)}

Complexity of a Queue

Assume that we represent a queue with the help of two lists and have the below implementation of enqueue/2 and dequeue/1. What is the amortised time complexity for adding and then removing an element from a queue?

def enqueue({:queue, head, tail}, elem) do
  {:queue, head, [elem|tail]}

def dequeue({:queue, [], []}) do :fail end

def dequeue({:queue, [elem|head], tail}) do
  {:ok, elem, {:queue, head, tail}

def dequeue({:queue, [], tail}) do
  dequeue({:queue, reverse(tail), []})

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