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You of course know how to take the derivative of a function, this is something you probably learned already in high school. There are some simple rules that one applies and in five minutes one can find the derivative of even complicated functions.
Our task in this tutorial is to work with functions as symbolic expressions and compute the derivative of functions. Part of the problem is to understand how we can represent functions using the data structures that we have in Elixir. Once we know how to do this the derivation will be quite simple.
You might wonder what the problem is; after all we represent a function in Elixir using the syntax:
This is only partly true, what we do is express what the function should look like, how it is actually represented is hidden to us. If we write:
then f
is a function of one argument that we can use, but if we only have access to f
we can not determine that it is a function of one argument nor that the the body of the function is a multiplication of the argument and a constant.
In order to differentiate the function f
, with respect to x
, we need to know that the body of the expression is x*2
. We need to be able to examine the expressions x*2
, and determine that it is a product of the variable x
and 2
, only then can we determine that the derivative is 2. So, just because we have functions in Elixir, does not mean that we necessarily should use them to represent our “functions”.
Let’s start by finding a representation for constants and variables. We can limit ourselves to the domain of reals and a real number could of course be represented by an Elixir number. This is of course trivial but remember to separate the real number 2.34 from the representation in Elixir by 2.34
. A variable could be represented as an atom so the variable is represented by the Elixir atom :x
This simple mapping of elements in our domain to Elixir data structures is tempting to use but it has some disadvantages, we can not use pattern matching to determine if an element is a number or a variable. In our program we would have to use the built-in recognizers to separate the two cases; we would use code as the following:
If numbers and variables are our literals
, we have the following definition:
Assume that we, for the time being, limit ourselves to the arithmetic operations multiplication and addition, we have a very natural representation. We will of course represent them using tuples where the first element is an atom that identifies the operation. We have {:mul, a, b}
and {:add, a, b}
. Expressions are thus:
As you see it is not a syntax we would like to use when we write expressions by hand but it has its advantages when it comes to handle the expressions using Elixir clauses.
These are four rules that we will use:
The last rule, you might not even have learned as a rule but simply it's consequences in the most common cases. It is the rule that says that is and is . When learning using examples like these the general rule is quite simple: multiply the constant with the power and reduce the power by one. The general rule gives us the definition for any product, be it or .
So if we know how expressions are represented and how to take the derivative of sums and products, we are ready to implement the rules. This is a skeleton on what a function deriv/2
would look like:
Add more rules to the deriv/2
function. We should of course be able to take the derivative of the following expressions:
To be able to handle these expressions you of course need to find a suitable representation. You then have to find the general rule for finding the derivative.
The results of our derivation might be correct but they are very hard to read. They contain multiplications with zero, addition with constant values etc. All of those could be removed if we simplified the results.
Simplification could be tricky, You could start by transforming an expression so that all functions with constant arguments were actually evaluated. You could then remove expressions that are multiplied with zero etc. The problem is to know if there are any more things that could be done; how do we know that will not be able to do more.
We would also have to think twice when we want to include constants such as , could we represent it using the atom :pi
? Moreover, when we derive, is it important to separate the constant from the constant 2.34? Can we treat as a variable with a not so variable value?
A better approach (all though it will turn our expressions into huge data structures) is to be more explicit in our choice of representation. What if we choose to represent all constants using the tuple {:num, c}
where c
could be either an integer or a float. Variables could, in the same way, be represented by tuples {:var, v}
where v
is a atom that identifies the variable. Let's represent "constants" such as as variables as well, it will simplify our code.
This gives us everything we need to represent a limited sets of expressions. The expression could for example be represented by the Elixir structure:
What are the rules of derivation? You of course remember that derivative of with respect to is 2, and that the derivative of is but now we should define a program that does this automatically so we need to have very clear understanding if the rules. If you have not done so yet, this is the point where you should brush up on derivative rules so that you can follow the reasoning.
for any literal different from
The third rule is quite straight-forward; the derivative of an sum is the sum of the derivatives of the terms. The derivative of is is since since the derivative of is etc.
What is the derivative of with respect to ? How do we represent the expression in our system? Can you calculate the derivative using the deriv/2
The answer that you get might not look like the answer you would have hoped for but it might be that what you see is an expression that can be simplified. The derivative of is of course 2 but our function will return something that looks like , which of course is equal to 2.
There will also be a discussion of what the simplest form would look like. Should we write or should we write ?